Projects: 30 July – 5 August

We are in the middle of the huge reset this week, so lots of infrastructural work and not a ton of sewing going on:


  • This is the big week to reset and tart up the workroom – all of the five rooms are getting repainted – walls, floors, ceilings, everything
  • Setting up a small studio area in the front of the tertiary classroom for student pictures, short videos, &c.
  • Start final push for the month to get the spaces all client/work/and student ready for the Fall 2018 quarter.
  • Also, with all of the painting and everything being white, it is time to retire the white blinds and make some fresh ones.

Classes Blog:

  • We’ve got a lot for you guys coming up in the classes blog including Ankit’s jacket, Linda Prieto’s new vintage fabric reproduction line,  some vintage stuff from the archives, and a couple of class reminders for the Fall sewing classes.


  • The main upper section of the entrance stairwell is finished with regard to painting, so we’ll let the paint set for a week before we start the gilding and leafing process. The gold lasts longer and gives a more durable finish if you don’t rush it.
  • We’ve been working on a project restoring a small set of early 20th century offices in the neighborhood, but have to wait until we can either recreate the moldings or find appropriate replacements.


  • We’ll be working on the farm towards the last week of August, taking this past quarter’s compost collection of paper and fabric scraps and doing some clean-sweep stuff for the Fall-Winter season.
  • As part of crop research, we are looking into and researching the feasibility of growing flax for linen in zone 7 – it isn’t a crop you see much anymore, but having inherited all of the tools and supplies to process it, we may very well be planting acreage over the next few seasons.


  • We’ve got a couple of prototype projects to finish before we move on to other stuff for the week
  • A small set of Indian adaptions coming down the pipeline for modern clothing with a traditional feel
  • Ongoing millions of custom dress shirts


  • Nathan Perez has his upcoming Basics of Tambour class coming up this Sunday, so we are making the preparations for that and getting things ready.
  • Two residual wedding dress projects go into overdrive this week as they finish draping, final beading, and finishing them for the due date in late August.

So, we’re busy as usually juggling millions of things; let’s see how this week goes!


Projects: 22 August – 4 September

We will be spending the two weeks leading up to the Fall 2011 class session prepping the workroom and getting things together for the up-coming ten-week session.

On the agenda for the week:

  • Getting the rest of the estate settled.
  • Getting the workroom set up for classes.
  • We have started a new blog called Rural Pursuits to cull information about rural living. Stay tuned.
  • We will be working on the class schedule for the next two quarters (Winter and Spring 2012).
  • Email and general blog & Web stuff.
  • Tchad will be developing more with his personal blog and should be able to introduce the Wrought blog by the end of September.
  • There is a short video instructional series that we have been invited to work on.  It is a series that gives short creative video tips to working business women.  We will be able to tell you more about that in the coming weeks.

We will be putting our clothing business on hold for the next few months, so will not be taking consults or orders until at the very earliest late Spring 2012.  This is going to delay the roll out of the design blog, but we want it to be right, not just published.

So it is a fairly straightforward couple of weeks for us up here at Tchad.  Stay tuned for more.

In the meantime, you can always email us at: or

or you can text us at: 773.680.5914.

This should be an exciting Fall and Winter!  Let’s see what we can make happen!


Projects: 11-17 October 2010

Some of our projects at the workroom the week of 11-17 October:

  1. Our email inbox has become a mess. If you expect an email, look for it by 3 p.m. Tuesday the 12th.
  2. We should have the Design blog built out.
  3. The site will be updated with new links and filled out with some images.
  4. There are about five posts to write across the blogs:
    1. Sewing machines you should never buy.
    2. Sewing machines that are a great value.
    3. Reviewing the “Pattern Magic” book’s new English edition.
    4. How to build an ironing table from a large 4×8 foot piece of plywood
  5. Toward the end of the week, we will be at the fabric store to buy white fabric for the workroom’s office drapery.
  6. What seems like thousands of little business details – CPAs, attorneys, &c.
  7. Fittings Friday morning for two of the Berlin series (this is VERY exciting).
  8. Rescheduling and updating the class schedules for Winter & Spring 2011.

So that is what HAS to get done. If we can squeeze in a few hours to finish cleaning out the closet and install a new communications system in the workroom, well, great.